Building Plans In Gurugram: Snag Hits DTCP Portal

GURUGRAM: Plot owners in licenced colonies in the city are unable to construct their buildings as approvals to the building plans are pending due to technical glitches in the town and country planning department’s (DTCP) online platform for the last 20 days.

According to the present system, only architects can apply for building plan approval. One of the flaws noticed by the department in the past few days is that the online system is charging for stilt plus four floors even if the applicant is constructing only three floors.

“Under Haryana Online Building Plan Approval System (HOBPAS), a plot owner or concerned architect needs to apply for building permit online with the DTCP. “The officials can see all relevant documents and approve the building plan and residents can track their applications,” said an official.

Earlier, after getting the planning nod through a tedious process, a resident was forced to physically visit DTCP offices to apply for building permission. “Sometimes, documents got misplaced and it took at least six to eight months to get planning and building permission. Now, if all documents are in place, it can be procured within a month,” he added.

Rajesh Kumar, a resident of Sushant Lok, said the online approval of building plans is not happening as the portal is down for a few weeks. “The construction is getting delayed but despite complaints to the department, the concerns are yet to be resolved,” he said.

Architect Dheeraj Sharma said the department should proactively attend to such glitches as it is affecting the plot owners and delaying the construction schedule. “Around 15 days back, I had submitted the documents for approval of building maps, but due to the site being down, the papers are not being uploaded and the maps are not being approved.”

Narendra Yadav, president of Gurugram Home Developers Association, said, “Senior Town Planner has given assurance that the IT department officials have been instructed to resolve the issue at the earliest.”

  • Published On Feb 1, 2024 at 09:37 AM IST

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