‘Buildings can fall anytime,’ Signature View Apartments RWA tells DDA, ET RealEstate

NEW DELHI: The RWA of Signature View Apartments in northwest Delhi on Friday said it has warned DDA about the dilapidated condition of four blocks which can fall anytime. The DDA in response said it would see if these buildings can be demolished independently, it said.

A meeting of the Residents Welfare Association with the DDA was held on Thursday.

The apartment complex in Mukherjee Nagar, built in 2007-09 with 336 MIG and HIG flats, has some construction issues and is up for demolition by the Delhi Development Authority.

RWA president Amrendra Kumar Rakesh said the body has asked the DDA for a safe evacuation of residents and start of rent payments for the new accommodation.

“We brought to the notice of DDA officers the run-down condition of four blocks D, E, I and L which are in the most dilapidated state as per IIT Delhi report and were recommended for immediate evacuation and dismantling,” Rakesh said.

He said it has demanded the DDA to immediately start paying rent to the residents of D and E block – which, he said, can fall anytime – and facilitate their relocation as almost all the owners or allottees have submitted their consent.

“The RWA told DDA officials that if it allowed this demand then most of the residents would be ready to vacate the flats. We also said if the demand is accepted, the RWA will not go to court or support the nine petitioner’s various demands in the petition,” Rakesh said.

“RWA told DDA if it did not agree to our demand of rent with vacation, then RWA will be left with no option but to approach the court,” he said.

The DDA had earlier offered to pay the residents rent only if all 336 flats are vacated. The RWA challenged the condition citing its inability to get all 336 flat owners to handover their keys at once, and requested the authority to bring down the 100 per cent vacation clause to 75 per cent, in the hope that the rest will follow suit soon.

But since the residents of nine apartments have moved the Delhi High Court and got a stay order on further action by the DDA, the matter now lies with the court, the DDA had said.

The RWA said it has informed the DDA that 100 flats already lie vacant and around owners of 210 have submitted consent for vacation till Thursday.

  • Published On Dec 9, 2023 at 09:18 AM IST

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