Chandigarh administration approves interim budget worth Rs 300 crore for civic body, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

CHANDIGARH: The Municipal Corporation will be able to spend Rs 100 crore per month for the next three months on committed liabilities. The UT administration has approved an interim budget of Rs 300 crore for the MC for a three-month period in the new financial year.

“The MC has been allowed to spend Rs 100 crore per month from its own revenue and grant-in-aid for meeting different committed liabilities. These majorly include employees’ salaries, expenditure on garbage processing, minor works, taxes and tendered contract payments,” said sources.

Last week, the MC sought permission from the administration to spend on its committed liabilities in the coming financial year.

With no final decision by the administration as yet on the MC house budget meeting held on March 6 and budget approved therein, the MC was facing the prospect of having no authority to make expenditure, even on committed liabilities in the new financial year. Consequently, the MC sought permission on the interim budget last week.

On March 7, the MC submitted the budget passed by the MC general houses for the financial year 2024-2025 with the administration for its approval.

In the communication with the administration, the MC also sought detailed legal advice by the UT senior standing council on the March 6 budget meeting called by mayor Kuldeep Kumar.

After his election as the mayor, Kumar, on March 1, issued a notice to convene the meeting of the MC general house on March 6 to discuss budget estimates for the year 2022-2025.

T he Municipal Corporation will be able to spend Rs 100 crore per month for the next three months on committed liabilities.In the meantime, the UT local government department forwarded a representation of BJP councillors, which challenged the budget meeting on the grounds that it could not be held before the constitution of the Finance and Contract Committee (F&CC).

The MC was directed to get the matter legally examined. The MC sought legal opinion of UT senior standing counsel. Acting on the opinion given, the MC secretary requested the mayor to cancel the budget meeting and special house scheduled for March 6 and 7 respectively.

However, the mayor decided to go ahead with it. The house passed the budget and the MC submitted it with the administration for approval. However, the administration is yet to respond to it with a final decision on the budget meeting and the budget.

  • Published On Mar 18, 2024 at 01:00 PM IST

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