Cial director board approves phase II rehabilitation plan, ET RealEstate

<p>representative image</p>
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KOCHI: Director board of Cochin International Airport Ltd (Cial) approved Phase II rehabilitation project designed for those who lost homes and properties during land acquisition for airport. This phase is intended for those who did not receive adequate protection under previous package.

Industries minister P Rajeeve, who is also chairman of Cial sub-committee, took the initiative to formulate Phase II package.

Previous rehabilitation package included job opportunities for displaced people in Cial and other related institutions based on educational qualifications, priority in allotting taxi permits and membership in headload workers’ society. Many people, however, ended up with low-paying contract jobs. Cial now considered the long-standing demand to revise the package. As part of this, 20 individuals who were working in low-paying contract jobs in Air India’s ground handling division will be given membership in Cochin International Airport Air Cargo Loading and Unloading Workers Cooperative Society. The society, established two years ago under Cial’s supervision, currently has 120 members and aims to provide job security and modern administrative support for workers in this field.

Additionally, Cial decided to issue permits in its prepaid taxi society to those who worked in firms like Air India and in unorganized headload labour sector, as well as to dependents of deceased workers in these categories who are unable to undertake work due to physical disabilities. This opportunity will be available to 25 people. Currently, there are 650 taxi permits and more opportunities will be provided based on increase in passenger numbers.

A meeting of those eligible for Phase II rehabilitation package was convened at Cial, where Rajeeve explained decisions of director board. He stated that efforts are under way to resolve issues that persisted for two-and-a-half decades, and that chief minister Pinarayi Vijayan, who is also chairman of Cial, has taken a special interest in this. Rajeeve noted that numerous applications were received and a comprehensive evaluation led to formulation of this package.

Cial managing director S Suhas and executive director Jayarajan V also participated.

  • Published On Mar 17, 2025 at 01:45 PM IST

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