Complete Checks On Property Tax Data In 2 Days, Officials Told, ET RealEstate

GURUGRAM: MCG commissioner Narhari Singh Banger on Monday directed the taxation department officials to complete self-certification of tax data for the properties in the jurisdiction of the civic body by Jan 24.

For this, the corporation will rope in market associations, residents welfare associations (RWAs) and residents to set up camps to complete the process.

The exercise is aimed at correcting the property tax data, which is at present riddled with errors.

“Special camps should be organised for self-certification of property tax data by collaborating with RWAs, market associations etc. The camps can be held at parks and community centres,” said the commissioner.

Government has also announced a 15% rebate on the property tax for the 2023-24 fiscal year for the taxpayers who do the self-verification of their property tax data. The property owners can self-verify the data on and pay their outstanding dues on the website to avail the discount by Feb 29. The residents can search for their properties by entering their registered mobile number on the portal and check the data recorded with the portal. If the data is correct, the resident can submit the form and complete the exercise. However, if the data is incorrect, the right information has to be submitted on the portal, officials said.The property tax dues can also be deposited at the citizen facilitation centres (CFCs) besides the MCG office. MCG officials said that the sewerage and water connections of the defaulters will be disconnected and their properties will be sealed.

A survey by a private agency in January 2022 had found that 5.14 lakh properties come under the MCG’s ambit. After the survey was completed, the residents had complained that the new property IDs generated had incorrect details, creating a faulty database of the residents’ properties.

  • Published On Jan 23, 2024 at 12:00 PM IST

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