Cracks in residents’ solidarity jeopardise Signature View’s redemption, ET RealEstate

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NEW DELHI: Every time there are tremors in the city, residents of Signature View Apartments near Delhi University get calls from Delhi Development Authority. The officials wish to know whether the building has been affected by the quake in any way.

The residents are afraid of just such an eventuality and have been seeking early rehabilitation that will enable them to shift from the building demarcated to be demolished.

However, a recent development has left many residents in a state of confusion and worry. With barely seven days left for the complex to be fully vacated, a group of residents moved Delhi High Court demanding, among other things, that there should be no construction of an extra 168 flats in addition to the existing 336. As a result, the high court stayed the demolition on Monday and gave DDA four weeks to respond.

On Wednesday, the residents pointed out the growing cracks in the walls and pillars and the plaster peeling off from the balcony roofs. The condition of the common area beggars description. Many also claimed their vehicles were damaged in the decrepit parking area.

“The building is not safe at all and needs to be immediately vacated,” said Amarendra Kumar Rakesh, president of the residents’ welfare association. “After the intervention of the lieutenant governor, DDA agreed to reconstruct our housing society building. But with no specific date for when the payment of rent allowance to vacating residents would start, the process of handing over the flats was delayed. Till date, only families in 100 of the 336 apartments have shifted.”

Rakesh claimed that DDA agreed to start paying rent once all the 336 apartments were vacated. “When the allotment of flats was not done at a single time, how can DDA expect everyone to leave the place together? Asked Rakesh. “220 flats were allotted in 2012. In 2015, the National Council for Cement and Building Materials reported anomalies in the construction of the building. DDA still went ahead and sold the remaining flats in 2017.”

Sweta Verma, RW vice-president, said Signature View has 12 towers. “Within a few years of buying the flats, we began complaining to DDA about the poor construction,” she said. “In fact, we managed to access the IIT and Shriram Institute reports that highlighted the construction flaws and said the buildings were not fit for habitation through RTI in January this year. The reports state the condition of four blocks is extremely poor.”

Christopher Phoenix, member of the RWA, alleged that DDA was trying to profit from the mess by planning an additional 168 flats during reconstruction. “But DDA is reluctant to give us rent immediately. Those who have shifted have already lakhs in rent in addition to the EMIs for their vacated flat at Signature View,” claimed Phoenix. “With the matter in court now, their chances of getting the rent reimbursed is fading.”

While DDA refused to comment on the matter, the people also claimed that the agency had kept aside Rs 21 crore after allotment of flats and according to contract conditions were supposed to have used the fund for maintenance of the society for 30 years.

The petitioners agree to the reconstruction of the apartments but want DDA to provide a proportionate floor area ratio to each flat owner as per provisions of Delhi Master Plan 2041. “Also, DDA has to give us the same ownership rights to the apartment land as when we bought the flat,” said Sanjeev Singh. “Clarity on bank-guaranteed rent payment to every flat owner is also important. Future payments should not be affected. In fact, due to our apprehensions, we have requested the court to monitor the reconstruction project.”

In September, DDA gave the residents till October 15 to sign the rent agreement and to vacate the building within 45 days. According to the agreement, DDA will pay a rent of Rs 50,000 per month to HIG flat owners and Rs 38,000 to MIG flat owners once the premises are vacated.

Poonam Singh grumbled that getting new accommodations at the rates offered by DDA was difficult. “The few options available earlier have been filled up. I bought this house after considering the apartment space and common areas. Why should I now compromise on these? Surprisingly, DDA hasn’t served evacuation notices to every flat owner nor asked us for our bank account details to transfer the rent amount,” she said.


  • Updated On Nov 23, 2023 at 03:00 PM IST
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  • Published On Nov 23, 2023 at 03:00 PM IST
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  • 4 min read
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