Delhi govt syncs workers’ records with eShram data for welfare schemes, ET RealEstate

NEW DELHI: To ensure that construction and other workers residing in the national capital get the benefits of various welfare schemes launched by the central and Delhi governments from time to time, the labour department has decided to sync the data of such beneficiaries registered on the eShram portal with its own records.

Officials said that Delhi government’s labour department of would develop an application programming interface (API) to access the details of workers registered on the Centre’s portal.

According to officials, Union ministry of labour and employment has developed eShram portal for creation of a comprehensive National Database of Unorganised Workers verified by Aadhaar for various categories of works including those involved in building and other construction, agriculture, domestic work, and other similar sub-groups.

The Union ministry shares the data on the portal with other states and union territories for the purpose of matching, verification and for extending benefits of social security and welfare schemes to them based on their eligibility.

“The labour department will be developing the API to consume that data. It will be hosted on the server of the Delhi Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board in a well-defined structured format like database-based repository and would sync up regularly with the eShram data. It will have all details of the workers registered on eShram…,” said an official.

  • Published On Dec 10, 2023 at 12:00 PM IST

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