DEO Pune starts process to resume 16 properties, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
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PUNE: Defence Estates Office (DEO) of Pune Circle on Wednesday said that it has initiated the resumption (taking back) of 16 defence estates properties in its jurisdiction.

Rajendra Jagtap, who took over as the defence estates officer in Jan, in a press statement said the DEO’s office has not come across any case of a sale transaction of land on which OGBs across Pune cantonment stand. The statement said the department of registration and stamps has been advised to be alert about any such transactions.

There are 202 old grant bungalows (OGBs) and sites in Pune Cantonment and 48 in Kirkee Cantonment under the management of the DEO, Pune circle. These are governed by the Governer Generals Orders (GGO) 179 of 1836, different land policies and administrative instructions of the Minister of Defence (MoD), the release stated.

“Govt has the right to resume (take back) OGBs if there is requirement for the Army or there are serious violations of terms of grant. The discretion solely lies with govt based on the merits of each case,” the release added. Valuation in the sale/agreement to sale transactions is assessed by the registration office of state govt and is only of the superstructure, not of the land, the release said.

“Building plans are sanctioned only when the same is applied for by the recorded Holder of Occupancy Rights (HOR). In case a sale transaction takes place before that and is intimated by the registrar (IGR), action is taken to cancel the plan and stop construction. The Pune cantonment board has stopped construction in one case,” the release added.

There is no case of builders seeking permission for multi-storied complexes in OGBs, the statement said. “A sanction is given as per the floor space index which is 0.5 for OGBs/leases under the DEO’s management. It is reiterated that DEO and Pune Cantonment Board have taken action and continue to do so to safeguard government interest in OGBs,” the release said.

  • Published On Feb 22, 2024 at 04:00 PM IST

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