DTCP inspects 22 lifts in society after residents file plaints, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: After multiple incidents of lifts malfunctioning and failures and residents, including senior citizens and children, getting stuck inside the lifts, the department of town and country planning (DTCP) has started a quality check of 22 faulty lifts in Sobha City, situated in Sector 109.

The society has around 600 flats in eight towers and residents have been facing issues related to the lifts very frequently.

Not just this, the residents have approached almost all higher authorities, including CM window, DTCP, DHBVN and others, for replacement of the lifts for safety of residents and preventing any mishap but no concrete action has been taken so far.

Sahodra Jha, a C Tower resident, said, “My 11-year-old daughter had got stuck in the A1- lift. She faced a few jerks and a free fall from the 14th floor to the 12th floor .” Jha further said that the maintenance team is aware about the issue and she had raised a verbal complaint in a faith they will come out with a solution but nothing has been done from their end so far.

District town planner (planning) Rajesh Kaushik said a show cause notice has been served to the developer and asked to submit a reply within seven days, failing which action will be taken. “Also a team will be sent to investigate the matter and check the lifts,” he said.

In a reply to the DTP, the developer said “We would like to share the complaints logged in the last six months were around 56 and the concerns of jerks recorded are 13 which are during the power interruptions and during changeover of power, variation in supply in UPS and voltage issue and not due to any infirmity in the installed lifts.”

  • Published On Nov 29, 2023 at 12:00 PM IST

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