Eligible or not, Dharavi redevelopment for all slum dwellers, ET RealEstate

MUMBAI: Chief minister Eknath Shinde said on Friday this was the first govt which would provide homes for both eligible as well as ineligible slum dwellers in the Dharavi redevelopment project.

“See the condition in which people live. Govt will give homes to eligible slum dwellers and ineligible slum dwellers will also get homes,” Shinde in the state assembly.

Shinde also said govt would speed up redevelopment projects in the city. “We will speed up redevelopment projects and bring Mumbaikars who were forced to leave the city, back into the city,” he said.

He also said, “I do not consider ‘CM’ as Chief Minister but as Common Man.”

Shinde reiterated that Mahalaxmi Racecourse would be developed on the lines of Central Park in New York, along with a portion of the land for the coastal highway.

He said in the state assembly that a 320-acre park would be developed. “We are developing a Central Park in that area with 120 acres of land from the Racecourse and 200 acres of land from the coastal highway,” said Shinde, who had earlier mentioned that the park would use 200 acres of land reclaimed from the coastal road in Worli.

“Some have alleged that construction will take place or a hotel will come up. Nothing of that sort will happen. The racecourse will remain where it is. Horses will run there, accompanied by the horses of development,” said Shinde.

He said the redeveloped park would provide clean air to citizens. “It will be the oxygen park of the city,” said Shinde. Taking a dig at the Thackeray govt, Shinde said, “Earlier a theme park was announced but after a jackpot, it was shelved. We revived it because our intentions are good.”

He said his govt did not treat Mumbai like a hen which laid golden eggs but as an international financial hub which provided jobs for people.

Shinde defended the deep-cleaning drive in the state. “Some feel that water is being wasted in washing the roads. But we are using water from sewage treatment plants. We have received a lot of positive feedback. It will reduce pollution and lead to clean air. The political pollution will also be washed away after the elections.”

  • Published On Mar 2, 2024 at 08:53 AM IST

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