Farmers Demand Action on Delay in Buda’s Residential Layout in Belagavi, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
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BELAGAVI : Scheme No.16, a residential project of Belagavi Urban Development Authority (Buda) in the Kanabargi area of the city, has been facing hurdles for the past over one-and -half-decades. Now, the farmers who have given their land for the project are frustrated with the long wait. They have given a deadline of one week to the authority to begin the project.

Buda notified the land for the project in 2007. Since then, farmers have been restrained from selling their properties outside. Now, these farmers, under the banner of Shetkari Hitarakshana Samiti (SHS), have decided to block Kanbargi Road and lock the Buda office on February 13, if the authority did not take any firm and noticeable action.

The SHS has already notified the regional commissioner, the DC who is an administrator of Buda, the police department and Buda commissioner about the proposed protest. The farmers who have given their land to the project have been constantly corresponding with the authorities. Four days ago, the members of SHS met Buda commissioner Shakeel Ahmed. During the meeting, the farmers had heated arguments with the commissioner. They also met the Buda administrator DC Nitesh Patil and discussed the issue.

During the legislature session held at SVS in Dec 2023, urban development department minister Byrathi Suresh had assured of starting the project in January. However, there has been no development so far Buda has planned to implement the project on 160 acres of land. The govt has also approved the project. However, as some farmers who own around 29 acres of this land have approached the court, the project has faced a huge setback. According to Buda commissioner Shakeel Ahmed, since a legal battle is going on, there is a need to respect the process.

  • Published On Feb 5, 2024 at 05:30 PM IST

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