Fire Safety Inspection by Indore District Administration for Tall Buildings, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative Image</p>
Representative Image

INDORE: Indore district administration, with the help of other departments concerned, on Tuesday decided to check fire safety measures in buildings taller than G+3 by joint committees of officials concerned.

“In order to prevent fire accidents in the district, security measures will be strengthened. New vehicles will be purchased for firefighting arrangements and improvements will be made in operations,” said collector Asheesh Singh in a meeting of disaster management.

He said that in the next ten days, buildings taller than G+3 would be inspected for fire safety measures. So, committees have been formed. Effective efforts were being initiated to enhance fire safety arrangements following recent blaze incidents in the city.

“Special vehicles will be procured for firefighting in highrise buildings. Inspection of safety measures will also be conducted in hospitals and hostels. Separate committees have been formed for urban and rural areas in the district,” the collector said, adding the committees will inspect and submit reports on fire safety arrangements in multi-storey buildings.

Emphasizing the need to ensure proper entry and exit arrangements in buildings, along with adequate fire fighting facilities, he said, “Negligence in security arrangements will result in strict action against the responsible parties”.

During the day, a workshop on fire accident prevention, rescue and management was organised for the officials of different departments concerned. It was led by Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) commissioner Shivam Verma.

Verma highlighted the necessary measures to prevent fire accidents, resources required for prevention and management, and strategies for evacuation in case of emergencies. He also emphasized on inspection of fire safety arrangements in G+3 and tall buildings, including hospitals, malls, residential buildings, hostels, coaching centres, hotels, and restaurants.

“Inspections will be carried out at tall buildings to assess fire safety measures, evacuation routes apart from elevators during emergencies, and other safety protocols. Through these initiatives, the city aims to strengthen fire safety measures and enhance disaster preparedness to ensure the safety of its residents,” the commissioner said.

Upto 100% hike in property rate proposed in Indore's 49 areas

The district evaluation committee led by collector Asheesh Singh saw senior district registrar Amresh Naydu proposing a rise in the present guideline of property rate to be implemented from April 1, 2024.

  • Published On Mar 20, 2024 at 03:30 PM IST

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