Flat owners, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

GURUGRAM: Days after the Supreme Court ordered time-bound reconstruction of flats in Sector 109’s Chintels Paradiso and asked the developer to extend rental support to affected flat owners, residents said the apex court hasn’t given relief from the day the flats were vacated. Also, no reconstruction timeline has been fixed, they claimed.

The bench of Justices Hrishikesh Roy and Prashant Kumar Mishra had on January 4 ordered that the developer, Chintels India, pay the affected flat owners reasonable rent from the commencement of reconstruction of flats until the project gets completed. The rate of rent can be decided by a committee headed by the divisional (deputy) commissioner, the order said.

The developer stopped rental support to the affected flat owners from May last year, when it offered two compensation options. Under the buyback offer, it proposed to pay Rs 6,500 per sq ft, along with the actual stamp duty and renovation costs. Under reconstruction offer, it proposed rebuilding and delivering to each flat owner another flat the same size as theirs.

RWA president Rakesh Hooda said there was no consideration for residents of other towers of the residential project. “Also, there is no compensation for the harassment and inconvenience for homeowners who have gone through a horrific period. Instead, they face another four to five years of uncertainty,” he said.

In its order, the apex court further directed residents of the towers declared unsafe — D, E, F, G and H — to immediately vacate the premises. “As we are informed, towers D, E and F are completely vacant; in tower G, there are only four occupants; and in tower H, six occupants are residing. Out of these six, according to the builder’s counsel, three occupants are owners and other three are tenants,” it observed.

  • Published On Jan 9, 2024 at 08:43 AM IST

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