Funds Shortage Leaves Beneficiaries Stranded and Houses Incomplete, ET RealEstate

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RANCHI: The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana in the city has hit a roadblock since its inception. Despite promises of home ownership, many find themselves in a limbo, with dreams dashed and homes incomplete.

Ranchi Municipal Corporation approved 12,587 applications for the scheme since 2016 to FY2021-2022, providing initial funds to 8,000 beneficiaries.

However, 1,121 successful applicants are still awaiting their second instalment, leaving them stranded, some having demolished their existing homes to make way for promised residences.

Talking to TOI, RMC assistant administrator Chandradeep Kumar said, “Funds shortage is the primary reason for delays. The RMC ensures swift action once funds arrive. Efforts are under way to salvage the situation, with personal inspections by officials and warnings issued to non-compliant beneficiaries.”

Following the submission of Swikriti application forms, beneficiaries were granted the initial financial boost. The beneficiaries received an instalment of Rs 45,000 in the first phase. Beneficiaries now find themselves in rented accommodations, disillusioned and disheartened.

Sanjeev Kumar, a resident of Madhukum, said, “Our problem has become more severe as we have visited the RMC office over 50 times in the past six years in search of answers, but have been met with promises every time due to depleted funds. This has left many individuals like me who were living in kutcha houses on their own land in a difficult situation, as we are now residing in rented accommodations.”

Due to insufficient funding, no new applications have been accepted for the scheme in 2022. “Because of the lack of funds and the fact that previous applications have not received funding or benefited from the scheme, we have decided not to collect additional applications this time. Moreover, approximately 75% of the residences constructed as part of the initiative are nearing completion,” Chandradeep added.

Meanwhile, RMC is poised to take decisive measures against beneficiaries who fail to fulfil their obligations after receiving funds. Despite the disbursement of funds in four instalments under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, a staggering 470 beneficiaries are yet to complete their housing projects since 2016. Additionally, some beneficiaries have not even commenced work after receiving funds.

Chandradeep said, “The RMC will classify these properties as unfinished in its records. In response, the RMC is preparing to enforce stringent penalties against such beneficiaries. Steps will also be taken to recover the entire amount disbursed under the scheme to date.”

  • Published On Feb 18, 2024 at 12:00 PM IST

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