Gujarat government introduces FSI incentives for green buildings, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

GANDHINAGAR: In a move aimed at promoting sustainable development through the construction of green buildings, the state govt has notified FSI (floor space index) incentives for green buildings in the common general development control regulations (CGDCR).

Green buildings will be exempt from paying between 7% and 12% of chargeable FSI, depending on the ratings they receive from agencies like GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment), IGBC (Indian Green Building Council) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environment Design).

However, the govt has also stipulated penalties for buildings which do not comply with green building requirements, and also in cases where the applicants fail to obtain the rating certification at the time of applying for BU (building use) permission.

In such cases, the penalty will be twice the amount of incentive FSI, according to the notification dated Sep 5. The stipulated rating agencies will be responsible for conducting periodic inspections of green buildings.

The projects, which are under construction as of the date of the notification and are pre-certified by any of the aforementioned rating agencies, will also be eligible for incentive FSI. The amount of chargeable FSI that will be reimbursed in the form of incentive FSI will be paid to the developer at the time of granting BU permission, the notification said.

A green building uses less energy, water and natural resources, creates less waste and is healthier for the occupants compared to a standard building. Green buildings consume between 40% and 50% less energy and between 20% and 30% less water than regular buildings.

GRIHA is India’s national rating system for green buildings. It is suitable for all types of buildings, including residential, commercial and institutional across various climatic zones.

  • Published On Sep 9, 2024 at 11:30 AM IST

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