Haveri administration implements digital land records to curb fraud, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

HAVERI: Haveri taluk administration has launched a digital transformation project to convert more than 27,000 revenue documents under the Bhu Suraksha scheme. The initiative, spanning nine months, seeks to prevent document forgery while ensuring transparent operations. The digitalisation records will be available online, offering improved accessibility and security measures.

The scheme’s initial phase covers both A and B category documents.

This digital transformation addresses the increasing incidents of property-related fraud and document forgery through tampering land records.

The administration aims to strengthen document security while creating an accessible platform for citizens to retrieve revenue records without visiting taluk offices.

“The digitalisation effort, which began at individual tahsildar offices, expanded to include all 209 tahsildar offices across the district, with a nine-month completion target. “The digitisation work commenced at the combined tahsildar and sub-registrar offices, scanning more than 100-150-year-old documents, and the public can access these from their houses only,” claimed an officer.

“Initially, we have taken A and B category documents. Permanent documents like land grants, land reforms, land acquisition, land conversion, revenue miscellaneous, local audit, and other documents will be digitised. Regarding revenue department staff, audit, pension schemes, and others are in the B category, and these will be digitised in the first phase,” informed Sharanamma Khari, tahsildar, Haveri.

Haveri deputy commissioner Vijay Mahantesh Danammanavar outlined the key aspects of this initiative, including comprehensive computerisation of land records, modern record rooms across taluks, creation of a state database, Aadhaar integration with land records, computerised revenue courts, and aligned land records. “The project aims to make land records easily accessible online, reducing the burden on revenue offices and ensuring transparency in the functioning of the revenue department,” he claimed.

The digitisation of revenue documents would prevent forgery and fraud in property transactions, while the linkage of Aadhaar with Record of Rights, Tenancy, and Crop (RTC) documents would streamline processes and reduce the burden on taluk offices. The move is expected to bring about a transformative change in the functioning of the revenue department, ensuring transparency and efficiency. Shivanand Patil, Haveri district minister

  • Published On Jan 10, 2025 at 12:30 PM IST

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