Housing projects delayed by years, builders told to file status reports, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: The department of town and country planning (DTCP) has issued directions to developers of 50 affordable housing projects to submit status report of their projects by February 26. For this, a form has been handed over to them, which they have to fill up and submit by Monday.

DTCP has called around 20 developers to the senior town planner (STP) office on March 1 to review the construction of these projects.

According to the department, most of these projects are running behind schedule and the allottees have been approaching the department to monitor the progress and ensure timely completion and handover.

In the last one year, DTCP has issued warnings to some of these developer regarding delay and other shortcomings in the projects.

District town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav said that a majority of the projects, most of which were launched five years back, are behind schedule. Combined, these projects include thousands of flats and houses, which cost less than Rs 30 lakh each.

“A form has been sent to all the builders with names of the project, licence number, date of issue of licence, date of environmental clearance, number of towers approved in the project, status of construction as per tower, expected date of construction completion,” he said.

STP Renuka Singh said, “A meeting of builders has been called on March 1 to review the construction of affordable housing projects. The objective is to ensure that the construction work is following the licence terms and conditions and time limit. Instructions have been given to all the builders to register their presence in the meeting, especially the builder representatives who did not attend the previous meeting.”

The status reports of the delayed projects will be sent to higher authorities for further action, she said.

In a meeting held last year, orders were issued to the officials concerned for the delayed projects that required inspections. “Written orders were issued to the developers who did not attend the meeting to send the status report of their project within a week, otherwise action would be taken as per the rules,” said another official.

Last year, DTCP had found that most of the affordable group housing projects are running far behind the schedule, their licences have expired and renewal is still awaited. In some cases, the DTCP team visited the sites and found construction work was stopped with no or very less deployment of workers.

Taking note of complaints from homebuyers, the DTCP officials directed the builders to speed up the pace of construction and not to charge homebuyers till the proportionate construction is done.

Earlier, they were served notices for slow pace of construction of their projects and not obtaining the occupation certificates and completion certificates within the validity of the license. But not much progress was made since then and the homebuyers are waiting for possession of their units.

  • Published On Feb 23, 2024 at 08:31 AM IST

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