Indora Metro station opening delay, ET RealEstate

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NAGPUR: Residents of Indora and nearby localities will have to wait longer to board a metro from their area. The opening of Indora Metro station has been delayed again, for the second time in the last four months.

A senior metro official said that although the station is almost complete, with only the final touches remaining, it cannot start operating without the mandatory approval from the Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (CMRS). The CMRS team is expected to inspect the Indora Metro station in the first week of August, the official said.

Indora station was part of Metro Phase 1, which became fully operational in December 2022. However, construction of the Indora station got delayed due to land acquisition issues. According to a Mahametro official, the land acquisition process for Phase 1 started in 2016, but the land for Indora station couldn’t be acquired until October 2022.

The construction works finally began in November 2022, and the deadline for starting the station was set for April 2024. The first deadline was missed, and it was extended to mid-June 2024. The second deadline too was missed, and now officials are saying that the station will become operational in August.

The Indora metro station is situated in north-south corridor of orange line, which runs from Khapri to Automotive Square. The opening of the station is eagerly awaited by commuters as it promises convenient travel options for daily travellers. The Indora station lies two stops before Automotive Square.

As per the data shared by the metro, Kadbi and Nari Road metro stations — which are closest to Indora — serve around 2,000 passengers daily. Experts estimate that of these, approximately 500 to 700 commuters are compelled to travel to either of these stations as Indora station is still not operational.

The Indora Metro station construction delays have caused frustration among residents and commuters. They said that with waterlogged roads causing traffic jams during monsoon, Metro offers the best travel option. We are compelled to use alternative, more expensive transportation options, further straining their daily budgets, the commuters said.

Pramod Bhagchandani, a 52-year-old private accountant living near the Indora metro station, said: “The construction work has been going on for the past many years. All the residents of the area are suffering, and our problems have doubled because of the monsoon season. The rains are creating problems like waterlogging below the construction area, causing problems for us.”

Bhagchandani added that the absence of last mile connectivity is straining monthly budgets of many like him. “We have to deboard at the nearest station and travel by cabs and autos for short distances. The cost of travelling is unavoidable since it is a daily necessity. Many issues faced by daily travellers would be solved if Indora Metro station starts functioning,” he added.

  • Published On Jul 15, 2024 at 01:00 PM IST

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