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Industrialists Upset as KIADB Increases Land Prices in Gamanagatti Industrial Area, ET RealEstate

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Hubballi: The Karnataka Industrial Areas Development Board (KIADB) has issued notices increasing land prices in the Gamanagatti industrial area, causing discontent among industrialists. Responding to the notices, the industrialists have rejected the hike and are considering legal recourse to address the issue, as the govt reportedly faces financial constraints.

PM Veeresha Sharma, partner, Chemogenesis R and R Centre, told TOI, “KIADB has issued a notice to us to evaluating the cost of our ploit at Rs 98 lakh as against the assured price of Rs 63 lakh in 2018 . According to final land cost computation jointly carried out by Green Tech Industrial Park and North Karnataka Small Scale Industries Association (NKSSIA), difference amount payable to KIADB happens to be Rs 5.8 lakh per acre. Moreover, we were allotted a plot from KIADB at 8-12 feet below the ground level and we had to spend an additional amount to bring it to ground level. However, KIADB has not responded to our reply,” he added.

JC Mathad, former president, NKSSIA, said the hike happens to be 1.55 to 1.7 times the tentative allotment cost respectively. “Considering the availed the land allotment details along with other necessary data of KIADB, the hike is not at all acceptable. We have approached KIADB, industry department, on Jan 30 and waiting for their positive response,” he said.

NKSSIA president Girish Nalavadi said notices are issued to over 150 industrialists. “They have given 10 acres land to RTO at a meagre price and they have imposed their cost to allottees. They have even imposed court cost, pertaining to some industries, on other allottees. We have conveyed all these details to minister MB Patil too. Industry Policy-2025 says a hike cannot cross 20% but here they have imposed a hike of 50 to 70%. Seeing their silence, we have spoken to some advocates and are contemplating approaching the court,” he stated.

BT Patil, development officer, KIADB, zonal office, Dharwad, said he has received replies from industrialists and a memorandum from NKSSIA, and has forwarded them to the government for further action.

  • Published On Feb 16, 2024 at 02:00 AM IST

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