JDA Panel to Approve Building Plans in Jaipur City, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

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JAIPUR: To ensure that no building on the narrow roads of the city gets constructed by violating the building by-laws of the civic body, the Jaipur Development Authority (JDA) has brought a few changes in the process of approval of building plans.

Now, zonal offices of the JDA won’t be able to give permissions for construction of buildings. A building plan should get approved only at the building map committee level. “We are flooded with complaints that buildings had been constructed on narrow roads and lanes of the city with heights more than the permissible limits. While investigating the complaints it was found that the concerned zonal offices have given necessary permission for such construction. It was revealed that the breadth of the road mentioned on the plan is actually much higher than the actual breadth of the road and such permissions had been granted on the basis of the plan,” said a JDA official.

At present JDA follows norms for approving building plans on the basis of an order issued on September 1, 2021. In this order powers were given to zonal offices to approve building plans for lands measuring up to 2,500 square metres.

  • Published On Mar 11, 2024 at 11:00 AM IST

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