Juhu Residents Seek Solution to Severe Pollution Due to Construction Works, ET RealEstate

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MUMBAI: Residents of Gulmohar Road in Juhu and JVPD scheme met K-West ward officer on Wednesday to complain that construction projects in their neighbourhood are not adhering to pollution mitigation norms. Residents said construction projects including those for redevelopment, apart from various works carried out by BMC, are causing “severe air pollution” in their locality. Meanwhile, ward officials assured the residents that they would carry out an inspection of the construction projects and take action accordingly.

Gulmohar Area Societies Welfare Group members and locals met K-West ward’s assistant commissioner Prithviraj Chauhan and his team after local MLA Ameet Satam arranged a meeting for them. Chauhan assured the residents all steps would be taken to resolve the issue. The residents pointed to the deteriorating air quality in Gulmohar area and its vicinity, particularly along the pathway leading to Kaifi Azmi Park.

A letter submitted by members of the group stated that air pollution in their neighbourhood had reached alarming levels and that despite communicating the same to authorities, the situation has not seen any significant improvement.

They alleged that the redevelopment projects have been neglecting cleaning of the roads and failing to use water wherever necessary.

Actor Tejaswini Kolhapure, a resident of Gulmohar 12th Road, said, “There are about 10 ongoing construction projects in Gulmohar area and an equal number of projects are underway in the JVPD scheme. Besides, BMC is carrying out various works such as concretisation and laying of pipelines. Many of these projects are not adhering to basic measures such as brushing of the roads, sprinkling of water on debris, washing of roads and washing of tyres of trucks carrying construction material, among other measures.”

Kolhapure said residents have to mask up to walk around the area or visit Kaifi Azmi Park.

“You can feel the difference while walking around. One or two of those carrying out the construction projects are taking appropriate measures, the rest should emulate them,” Kolhapure added.

  • Published On Mar 7, 2024 at 07:30 PM IST

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