Kmc To Seek Building Docus From Owner To Check For Nod, ET RealEstate

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KOLKATA: The Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) buildings department has decided to send a notice to the owner of the property at 1/1, Camac Street to come to the department with the building plan so officials can check whether permission had been taken before the terrace of the two-storey building was converted into a restaurant.

A fire in the rooftop restaurant housed in a structure with steel, asbestos and glass panels on Tuesday has put the scanner on similar conversions. A buildings department official said, “We have checked the building plan of the commercial establishment where the fire broke out. The building was sanctioned by KMC. We are looking for papers to check whether any permission had been sought from the civic body for the makeshift rooftop café. An internal meeting has been held with our officials about the matter and we will send a notice to the owners, asking them to appear with sanctioned plan and other papers.”

The department will also send a team of engineers to assess the structural damage that the fire caused. “We are waiting for the forensic report. Thereafter, our engineers will visit the site for inspection. The next course of action will be decided after that. If we find any portion of the building, including the rooftop, vulnerable and a danger to public safety, we will raze it,” the official said.

The police are yet to lodge an FIR in the case. The cops have claimed that they have not received any complaint from any quarter, including the fire brigade.

The south division police, along with KMC, are likely to decide on the legal steps once they receive a primary report from forensic experts who visited the spot early on Wednesday and collected necessary samples. “We are awaiting separate reports from forensic experts and the fire department,” said an officer.

Sources said that with the second floor gutted, collecting evidence took time.

“Though, prima facie, a short circuit is suspected, the forensic report will pinpoint the source and possible reasons. It is only after this that negligence charges can be considered,” a police source said.

The cops and KMC, though, have identified the current owner who had bought the property two months ago. The facility was earlier owned by a Bidhannagar politician’s son — in London at present — who had applied for a trade licence. The earlier owner has told police that he had all licences in place. However, with his plans firmed up to sell his company, he had not re-applied for the same this year. “For now, we have asked for a copy of all documents from the new owner. If a case does get registered, we will decide the next course of action,” said an officer.

The police said they are waiting for a response from KMC for further clarity on the issue.

“With KMC working for just half a day on Wednesday, barely hours after the fire was completely controlled, we are waiting further clarity,” said an officer.

None was injured in the fire as people present in the building received a timely alert and had rushed out to safety.

  • Published On Jun 14, 2024 at 09:10 AM IST

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