Realty Beat India

Kolkata civic body sanctions four small plots, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

KOLKATA: The KMC buildings department on Friday sanctioned four building plans on small plots measuring — 450 square feet to 1,500 square feet — in Garia and its neighbourhoods off EM Bypass. Earlier this month, the department had sanctioned two small plots in the Kasba-Garfa belt and Patuli.

Struggling to prevent the construction of illegal buildings across the city, many of which are tilting for not adhering to basic safety rules, KMC brought some changes in the existing building rules to encourage small plot owners submit building plans and get them sanctioned by the civic authorities.

Mayor Firhad Hakim had asked the department to offer relief to the owners of small plots by relaxing rules so that they can build homes without taking the illegal route of not taking a sanction. The relaxations will be given to those who possess plots of 350 sq ft to 2,100 sq ft.

However, relaxations will be given to those who will take the help of an architect or a structural engineer and submit a detailed plan. The foundation of the building will be done strictly under the lens of a KMC-empanelled structural engineer.

According to a KMC buildings department official, the civic body will bring all colony and thika land under this special scheme. Depending on the response of the citizens, the facility will be extended to residents across the city.

  • Published On Mar 1, 2025 at 09:37 AM IST

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