Mapusa civic body to raise rent for shops, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

PANAJI: The Mapusa Municipal Council (MMC) on Friday adopted a resolution to raise the monthly rent for shops and stalls owned by the municipality from existing Rs156 to Rs295 per sqm. Chairperson Priya Mishal said that the decision to revise the rent was taken as per the rent certificate received from PWD dated March 23, 2023.

Councillors questioned the failure of the MMC administration to initiate an inquiry against former chief officer Amitesh Shirvoikar, who allegedly failed to enforce the council’s resolution to renew the lease agreement of a fuel station operator.

MMC records state that instead of renewing the agreement for a period of three years, Shirvoikar allegedly sent a letter to the operator “expressing interest” to sign the lease agreement for 10 years. As per relevant laws, the lease agreement cannot be signed for more than three years in such cases. “We will seek a written explanation from the former chief officer and we will ask him to respond within 15 days. Once we receive his explanation we will decide the future course of action,” Mishal assured the councillors.

Opposition councillor Shashank Narvekar pointed out that nearly 100 hoardings have been erected along the roads in the market area by a private firm without obtaining necessary approval from the municipality. “We are not against anyone’s business but the due process needs to be followed by them. And we should give every interested party an equal opportunity and ensure that not all areas are occupied by just one company,” he said.

Mishal said she would look into the matter and take appropriate action.

  • Published On Dec 30, 2023 at 01:00 PM IST

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