MCD Hikes Property Rent in 79 Markets

NEW DELHI: Municipal Corporation of Delhi has issued a public notice announcing its decision to increase the ground rent of properties transferred from the land & development office (L&DO) in 79 markets.

“The corporation approved a resolution in November regarding the revision of ground rent in respect of the properties transferred from L&DO. The enhancement of the ground rent may be followed on the similar lines as adopted by L&DO,” stated the public notice issued by the administrative officer, land and estate department on Monday.

“For properties where 0-10 years have elapsed since revision has fallen due, a four times increase in ground rent will happen. For those properties where no increase has happened in 11-20 years, the rise will be six times, for 21-30 years, it will be eight times and for properties where no revision of rates has happened in 31-40 years, the increase will be 10 times,” stated the public notice.

Among the markets going to be impacted by the increase are RK Puram (Mohan Singh Place), Kamla Market, Meharchand, Andrews Ganj, Sriniwaspuri, Sewa Nagar, Nizamuddin East, Jangpura, Tilak Nagar, Nanakpura, Gaffar Market, Ramesh Nagar, Malka Ganj and Moti Nagar.

Officials argued that the increase in the rent would not put any extra major financial burden on the occupants. “The annual ground rent of property is 2.5% of the value of property evaluated by L&DO at the time of transferring them to the general public. There are properties where the ground rent charged so far was very less and ranging between Rs 200 and 500 in prominent markets such as Mohan Singh Place in RK Puram. So a four to 10 times increase will not add any additional burden. The decision basically aims to bring uniformity in the rates,” said an official.

In case of properties or shops where an applicant has already applied for freehold of properties, the revision of fees will be five times. “The outstanding dues on account of revised ground rent shall be recovered before approving the conversion charges” the official added.

  • Published On Jan 5, 2024 at 10:01 AM IST

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