Minor Bldg Plan Changes To Be Regularised In State, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

KOLKATA: From now on, municipal bodies across the state, including the municipal corporations of Bidhannagar, Asansol, Durgapur, Chandernagore and Siliguri, will be able to regularise any minor unauthorised construction or deviation from the sanctioned building plans on payment of certain fees, according to a notification issued by the state urban development and municipal affairs department. Till now, the system was applicable only in the KMC area.

As per the notification, a deviation from the sanctioned linear dimensions of parts of a building up to 5%, without change in the internal arrangements, will be considered minor deviation. Any change of a sanctioned covered area of a building with variation up to 5%, without addition of any new component, will be considered minor unauthorised construction.

For all such minor constructions, a municipal body shall issue occupancy, partial occupancy or block-wise occupancy certificates.

For internal deviation, the fee will be 25% of the IGR value if the finished deviations comply with the provisions of the rules and 50% of IGR value if the finished deviations do not comply with the building rule provision. The deviated area shall be considered for the purpose of calculation of fees.

For deviation from sanctioned covered area, the extra charges will be in the range of 10%-40% of IGR value if the maximum permissible ground coverage is not exceeded. If the maximum permissible ground coverage is exceeded, the extra charge will be in the range of 20%-80% of IGR value based on the sanctioned covered area.

Also for deviation of sanctioned overall height of a structure, the extra charges will be in the range of 10%-40% of IGR value if the maximum permissible height is not exceeded. If the maximum permissible height is exceeded, the range of extra charges will be 20%-80% of IGR value based on the sanctioned height.

  • Published On Dec 9, 2023 at 02:00 PM IST

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