Mptb Identifies Land Parcels To Woo Hotels For Investment, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

INDORE: To strengthen the hospitality infrastructure and increase the inventory of hotel rooms in the state, Madhya Pradesh Tourism Board (MPTB) has identified land parcels at tourist locations to offer to hotels and resorts.

Mandsaur, Mandu, Omkareshwar, Tamia, Parsili, Sanchi and Orchha have attracted investments from leading chains of hotels and resorts, said the board.

Pinning hopes on a likely increase in tourist footfall in the state, the board has rolled out subsidies, tax benefits, long lease and other assistance for investors for pumping in money to build hotel infrastructure.

Yuvraj Padole, deputy director, events and marketing, MPTB said, “MP is emerging on the tourist map and to support the sector, more hotel rooms need to be built at tourist locations. We have identified many land parcels at tourist locations where we eye to attract investments from hotels and resorts. Many big chains and groups of hotels are coming to Mandu, Omkareshwar, Orchha and Tamia among other places. We have floated a slew of incentives for investors to attract investments.”

The state has added new destinations to host annual festivals to promote tourism activities and attract tourist footfall where tent cities have been set up for guests.

The board has launched the 1st edition of the fest at Chanderi from October 5, Kuno festival will start from December 17 while the board has floated tenders for other locations. “We have started annual festivals and added many new places as it gives a boost to the local economy and promotes local tourism. To support the growth, the need is to build hotels and recreational activities at these places,” said Padole.

  • Published On Dec 13, 2023 at 02:00 PM IST

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