NAREDCO seeks government action on aviation constraints impacting urban real estate, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image</p>
Representative image

Realty developers’ body the National Real Estate Development Council (NAREDCO) has urged the government to resolve regulatory challenges that hinder real estate development in major cities like Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata.

In bid to help resolve the issue, the developers’ body has made certain recommendations that were discussed during a recent meeting with a Joint Working Group, which included an Expert Committee led by Fali Major, NAREDCO said in a release.

“The height restrictions imposed by aviation regulations have significantly constrained real estate development in urban areas. Our recommendations are designed to unlock the potential of these cities while maintaining safety standards,” said G Hari Babu, National President of NAREDCO.

Among the key points presented were the relocation of certain aviation facilities, such as High Frequency Transmitter (Tx) and Receiver (Rx) stations, outside of main city areas. This would allow for taller buildings in cities like Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata without compromising the quality of High Frequency signals.

NAREDCO has also recommended extending shielding benefits–currently applicable only to natural terrains–to include buildings and other structures, thereby facilitating taller constructions in specific areas.

The association has also suggested that the Airports Authority of India (AAI) use more accurate contour data when determining areas eligible for shielding benefits, as the current data has a high margin of error.

Additionally, NAREDCO proposed conducting aeronautical studies to resolve legal issues without the immediate need for demolishing existing buildings, offering a more practical and less disruptive solution.

Another recommendation focused on making existing regulations more flexible concerning the location of approach surfaces when the runway threshold is displaced due to obstacles.

NAREDCO also highlighted the two previously accepted recommendations that are yet to be implemented. These include allowing a 0.5-meter vertical height tolerance during construction and redesigning approach and landing procedures to reflect this change.

Other important issues discussed included revising how height restrictions are calculated near airports, extending the validity of No Objection Certificates (NOCs) affected by the pandemic, and clarifying new regulations related to aerodrome obstacle surfaces.

  • Published On Sep 12, 2024 at 07:00 AM IST

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