Realty Beat India

Nashik civic body chief approves offline submission of building plans till March 26, ET RealEstate

<p>representative image</p>
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NASHIK: Civic body chief Manisha Khatri has granted permission to NMC’s town planning department for offline submission and approval of building plan proposals for the next 10 days (from March 16 to March 26).

The decision was made due to a technical issue that caused the server to go down, disrupting online submissions and the approval of building plan proposals.

Khatri issued a circular allowing offline submission of building plans, approvals and issuing building completion certificates to builders and developers, with just 15 days remaining before the end of the current financial year 2024-25.

As per the circular, the town planning department of the Nashik municipal corporation will have to maintain a separate register for offline submission and building plan approvals and building completion certificates.

After taking over the charge of the municipal corporation in Dec last year, NMC commissioner Manisha Khatri had made mandatory the online submission and approval process of building plan proposals, stopping offline processes completely.

She also delegated powers to different officials in the town planning department, from junior engineers to the assistant director of town planning, for speedy approvals of building plans to facilitate developers and city residents.

  • Published On Mar 21, 2025 at 04:32 PM IST

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