NHSRCL to rent out 580,000 sq ft at Sabarmati multi-modal transit hub, ET RealEstate

NEW DELHI: National High-Speed Rail Corporation (NHSRCL), which is executing India’s first bullet train project, will lease out about 580,000 square feet of space to offices, commercial development and retail outlets at the Sabarmati Multi Modal Transit Hub, said a senior executive.

The property, currently in the final stages of the request for proposal process, is planned to be leased out to a single lessee for a period of 35 years, extendable to another 35 years.

“We will have two towers, spread over a total area of 3.6 hectares and a super-built-up area of 579,980 sq ft. There will be an automated parking facility spanning 436,638 sq ft, capable of accommodating 1,300 vehicles,” said an NHSRCL spokesperson.

Sabarmati HSR being the terminal station of the Mumbai-Ahmedabad High Speed Rail Corridor, NHSRCL has planned to develop it as a multimodal transport hub in the region, which will connect the HSR line to Indian Railways, a metro station and the bus rapid transit system, all located within a short walk.

A multimodal integration plan for Sabarmati HSR station was developed in consultation with all stakeholders and necessary interventions, such as road widening, redesigning of road geometry and junctions, and tabletop pedestrian crossings, were proposed.

  • Published On Dec 7, 2023 at 09:21 AM IST

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