No Water In Condo For A Week, Residents Go To Kin, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

NOIDA: Over 2,000 residents of Panchsheel Hynish in Greater Noida West have been facing water shortage for over a week now. Residents said they visited their friends and relatives as there was no water in their washrooms and kitchens. On Thursday, they discussed the matter with the district magistrate.

“We have been facing a water shortage for about 12 days. It remains disrupted for 12 hours every day. The problem has persisted since January 13,” said Ram Mohan Singh, a society resident, adding that many residents did their basic routine in neighbouring societies after Wednesday.

Anuj Sain, member of ad hoc apartment owners association (AOA) said the apartment complex is still in the builder’s control, which is why ad hoc AOA is operational.

“The builder hasn’t paid the water dues amounting to nearly Rs. 2 crores. Thus, the Authority has shut the water supply. Submersible pumped water was supplied to us, but it is inadequate. The maintenance in charge is not giving us a clear picture despite repeated complaints,” said Saini.

Residents claim that the supply was again disrupted on Tuesday morning, followed by a protest by them, who demonstrated outside the maintenance office at night.

Residents escalated the matter to DM, Greater Noida Authority, and local MLA Tejpal Nagar via petitions and tweets.

TOI contacted the maintenance in-charge, Pramod Tyagi, who denied any pending water dues. He said, “GNIDA shut the Ganga water supply, but there was no shortage, and we are not extracting groundwater as it is unauthorised.”

  • Published On Jan 26, 2024 at 09:23 AM IST

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