Noida authority plans to increase FAR for industrial land and townships, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

NOIDA: Noida Authority has proposed amendments to the Noida Building Regulations and Master Plan of 2031, planning to increase floor area ratio (FAR) for industrial land use and integrated townships.

Officials said the proposed amendments were expected to encourage vertical expansion of industries at a time land bank was shrinking in the city.

In existing industrial sectors, the maximum FAR is set to increase from 2 to 2.5, facilitated by the relaxations in purchasable FAR and height restrictions.

So, the new regulations will allow a general FAR of 1.5 and a purchasable FAR of 1 — totalling 2.5 — on industrial plots located off roads that are at least 24 metres wide in existing hubs.

Substantial changes, however, are in the pipeline for the new industrial zones, particularly in sectors 145 and 162 to 166. Here, the Authority has proposed a general FAR of 2.5, with a purchasable FAR of 1. More importantly, there will be no height restrictions in these new sectors, which could lead to the development of more ambitious and large-scale projects.

For smaller plots up to 1,000sqm in the existing industrial hubs, the current FAR is 1.5, purchasable FAR 0.5, and a height restriction of 18 metres. The Authority has proposed increasing the purchasable FAR to 1 and raising the height limit to 24 metres.

For plots larger than 1,000sqm but less than 12,000sqm, the existing FAR is 1.3, purchasable FAR 0.7, and height up to 24 metres. The proposal suggests raising the general FAR to 1.5 and the purchasable FAR to 1. The height restriction will stay the same.

In case of flatted factories, the general FAR has been increased from 1.4 to 1.5 and the purchasable FAR from 0.6 to 1, with no new height restrictions.

For IT/ITES plots on roads that are less than 24 metres wide, the existing FAR is set at 2, with no purchasable FAR and no height limit. The Authority’s proposal introduces a purchasable FAR of 0.5 while maintaining the existing condition of unrestricted building heights. For IT/ITES plots on roads wider than 24 metres, where the FAR is already at 2.5 with no purchasable FAR and no height restrictions, the Authority has opted to maintain the status quo.

Mixed land use will be permitted for large industrial plots covering a minimum of 25 acres. The proposal allows 75% of the developable area for core industrial activities, 12% for residential development (limited to dormitories and field hostels), 8% for commercial use, and 5% for support facilities such as public utilities and health centres. Integrated industrial townships will be permitted within industrial and NEPZ areas.

Recognising the potential strain on infrastructure due to the proposed FAR changes, the Authority has suggested that the cost of industrial plots and those for integrated townships with mixed use be based on the FAR. The allotment rates will be determined by the finance department.

The permissible FAR, however, will stay the same for plots that have already been allotted. Purchasable FAR will not be allowed for plots smaller than 1,800sqm or industrial hubs that have roads less than 24m around them.

However, for plots that are 1,800sqm or more along roads wider than 24m, a purchasable FAR of 0.5 will be allowed within a 500m radius of metro corridor in existing sectors. Additional purchasable FAR beyond the total FAR of 3.5 will not be allowed in relation to the metro corridor.

These proposed amendments are currently open for public objections and suggestions. Once these are addressed, it will be put into effect through a notification.

  • Published On Sep 2, 2024 at 08:00 AM IST

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