Now, nod to registry of plots & homes in regularised colonies, ET RealEstate

GURUGRAM: After approving regularisation of 21 illegal colonies in October 2023, the department of town and country planning (DTCP) has now started online provision of providing no objection certificate (NOC) for registration of any plot or house in these colonies .

For registration of any property, NOC from DTCP is mandatory. The applicant can now apply for NOC on the department’s portal. This comes as a huge relief to hundreds of families living in these colonies, as DTCP will now provide civic amenities to them such as roads and water and sewer lines.

On October 4, 2023, a notification was issued by DTCP for regularisation of these 21 colonies carved out on about 186 acres of prime land in different villages of Gurgaon, Manesar, Sohna, Pataudi and Farrukhnagar.

District town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav said, “First of all, for this the plot owner/applicant will have to register himself on the portal and after that the complete documents and other information will have to be uploaded on the portal.”

On the portal, basic information of the applicant has to be uploaded along with complete information about the land for which NOC is required, information about the plot, details of the buyer, details of the seller, and all other documents related to the land. Based on the information and its verification, an NOC application number will be generated.

“On the directions of DTCP director Amit Khatri, the provision of giving NOC online has been started from the headquarters so that people do not face any problem in getting the registry of their plots/houses done. For this, people will be able to apply online on the web portal of Town and Country Planning. Apart from this, for any kind of information, the applicant can reach out to the district town planner office,” he said.

Last year, DTCP started the process of regularising old unauthorised colonies falling outside municipal limits with a survey to record the status of basic amenities in such colonies. As per records, there are around 500 unauthorised colonies in and around the city. The department took into account location, total area, number of houses, vacant plots, number of families residing and date of development of the colonies.

  • Published On Mar 4, 2024 at 08:33 AM IST

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