Paradiso buyers at meeting Gurgaon, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: Residents of Chintels Paradiso project in Sector 109 have demanded revision of compensation proposals reopened by the developer. They demanded revision of the rate for buyback offers, saying property rates have gone up in the last one year.

For reconstruction of flats, they said they would not pay Rs 1,000 per square foot as demanded by the developer. Also, before starting demolition of towers D,E, F and G as ordered by the district administration, residents have sought a guaranteed bond for safety of towers A, B, C and J from Chintels.

“The existing buyback offer was made about one year ago. Since then, there has been a substantial increase in market rates and circle rates are also being revised and increased. For the reconstruction option, some owners have refused to pay an additional amount, while others have sought more details of the construction process. Residents also want to add rent to the proposal,” an RWA member said.

Another resident said, “All details of reconstruction and approval should be presented by the developer in writing.” The RWA has now decided to write a letter to Chintels India seeking a revised proposal according to their demands.

Residents also said the developer should take the district administration’s approval to shift services such as water and electricity from the towers declared unsafe for habitation to open areas of the safe towers.

Last week, Chintels reopened the buyback and reconstruction offers for a short time to allow one more opportunity to flat owners to avail them.

In its letter to deputy commissioner Nishant Yadav and Paradiso RWA, Chintels India said: “We have decided to reopen offers for another 15 days, that is up to December 20, for flat owners of towers D, E, F, G and H in case they would like to avail the offer”.

Under the buyback offer, it has proposed to pay an amount of Rs 6,500 per sq ft, along with the actual stamp duty and renovation costs. Under reconstruction offer, it has proposed rebuilding and delivering to each flat owner, another flat with the same size as theirs.

This offer, however, is open only to flat owners who have accepted the buyback offer. Such flat owners will have to pay Rs 1,000 per sq ft in four instalments.

The developer will complete the project in three years with a grace period of six months from the date of receipt of all approvals required to begin the construction of the project, including registration with H-Rera. All eligible flat owners, who are interested in the reconstruction should give their written consent by January 5, 2024, it said.

  • Published On Dec 11, 2023 at 09:02 AM IST

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