PMAY-LIFE Housing Scheme: Corp to disburse first instalment to beneficiaries

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: Corporation will disburse the first instalment to the 570 beneficiaries included under 11th detailed project report (DPR) of PMAY-LIFE housing scheme on Thursday. Till now 13,131 beneficiaries have been included in the scheme. So far 6,024 beneficiaries have completed their houses.

Affordable housing through credit linked subsidy under PMAY(Urban) is allowed for beneficiaries from EWS with an annual household income up to Rs 3,00,000 and house sizes upto 30sq.m. For the LIG the scheme applies to those with an annual household income from Rs 3,00,001 to Rs 6,00,000 and house sizes upto 60sq.m.

Under PMAY-LIFE, an amount of Rs 4 lakh is given to construct a house. At the time of signing the agreement, corporation gives Rs 40,000. When the construction reaches the foundation stage, Rs 1.6 lakh is given (Rs 80,000 by corporation, Rs 60,000 by the centre and Rs 20,000 by the state). Another Rs 1.6 lakh is disbursed at the time of concreting and when the building receives the number, final instalment of Rs 40,000 (contributed by the centre and the state) is given.

Of late the civic body has been dealing with applications for withdrawal from PMAY(U)-LIFE scheme just because the funds are way too little to build a house.

In many cases, the applicants cited that they had received Rs 40,000 as the first instalment however they could not proceed with the construction owing to financial hardships. The requests were filed for return of the land documents.

The civic body having got approval from the council has forwarded these requests for a final decision from the state government. As per the norms, the beneficiaries will have to pay 12% interest for the instalment amount if they back out from the scheme halfway.

  • Published On Dec 28, 2023 at 03:00 PM IST

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