PMRDA cancels water affidavit mandate for new housing projects, ET RealEstate

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PUNE: PMRDA’s decision to cancel order of water supply commitment from developers of new projects in the 23 villages merged into the municipal limits since 2011 and areas outside a 5km radius of civic limits has baffled citizens, who fear water problem to aggravate in the metropolitan region owing to “such random decisions”.

Pune Metropolitan Region Development Authority (PMRDA) commissioner Yogesh Mhase, in a new circular issued on Tuesday, cancelled the authority’s previous order mandating affidavits from developers to ensure water supply to the residents in new housing projects.

The order stated that it was the responsibility of the civic bodies to ensure water supply to these areas, according to the guidelines of the Urban Development Department.

The previous order, which stands annulled now, had come into effect in Aug last year. Citizens’ groups fighting for adequate water supply to new constructions said the water affidavits were introduced for proper monitoring of the supply situation and with previous order’s cancellation, the water supply situation would only aggravate.

Lawyer Satya Muley, who represented a PIL on water supply shortage in many societies in Pune, told TOI that prominent non-governmental organisations in Pune, Pimpri Chinchwad and PMRDA areas were planning to issue a legal notice to the three local bodies for such random decisions, which would only promote mindless growth of a cement jungle.

“The densely populated and newly developed areas under PMC, PCMC and PMRDA jurisdiction are already facing acute water shortage, among other civic issues. This problem of water shortage will only aggravated by such decisions permitting new constructions without the acountability for basic services. Urban planning with regards to water supply appears to be totally missing in PMC, PCMC and PMRDA,” Muley said.

Citizens, questioning the rationale behind the PMRDA’s move, and asked how could there be development without sufficient water supply and lack of amenities like proper roads. “The NGOs will also take up non-compliance of high court orders to call for bi-monthly meetings by the special committee formed to attend water problems in the Pune and Pimpri Chinchwad,” Muley said.

A senior PMRDA official said the new circular was issued as the authority was getting false affidavits from developers. “The local authorities are responsible for the 23 merged villages and areas around a 5km radius outside their limits. There is no need for a special affidavit if the respective authority had agreed to supply water,” he said, adding that he had written to both PMC and PCMC. “But, I am yet to get any concise reply from them,” he said.

The new circular stated that PMRDA oversaw around 814 villages where proposals for development permissions or occupancy certificates were submitted to the authority. Among these villages, 23 are now under the jurisdiction of PMC and it is PMC’s responsibility to provide water and other necessary facilities to these villages, an official said.

For the 5km areas outside the civic limits, the municipal corporation concerned was required to supply water. The new circular was only supposed to help developers in the 242 villages, the official said.

The circular also stated that developers seeking occupancy certificates that have been approved based on gram panchayat certificates or developers’ water supply assurances will need to be submitted to the executive committee for guidance on further action. Additionally, proposals should be submitted to the engineering department for preparing water supply plans for these cases, it added.

  • Published On Sep 5, 2024 at 12:30 PM IST

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