Quick nod to building plans on plots up to 7 cottahs from Jan Kolkata, ET RealEstate

KOLKATA: In January, the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) will roll out a special sop for owners of small plots, enabling them to start construction of houses within a week of submitting building plans.

Deviating from the erstwhile process of mandatory submission of a plan to the KMC buildings department and waiting for a long time for clearance, the civic brass will now enable owners of plots measuring not more than seven cottahs to get the plan sanctioned by engaging an architect or a licensed building surveyor (LBS) without intervention of buildings department officials.

According to a KMC official, necessary preparations are being made to make the new system user friendly before rolling it out.

The KMC buildings department on Tuesday organized an interactive session with architects and LBS to familiarise them with the new system.

According to a modified KMC building rule, all plot owners who want to construct a building or an apartment need to engage an architect or an LBS and apply online for a house sanction plan.

The moment an architect or LBS uploads such a plan, it will be deemed sanctioned by the civic authority after calculation and payment of the building sanction fee.

The KMC buildings department will send inspectors after construction of the plinth area to assess whether constructions are being carried out according to the sanctioned plan.

“We will send our inspectors five-six months after construction of the foundation and plinth area to assess if the construction is going on in accordance with the KMC building rules. Any deviation from the sanctioned plan will lead to revocation of the building plan,” said a KMC buildings department official.

However, another KMC official said that under special circumstances, the civic inspectors may also be told to make surprise visits to check any anomalies.

  • Published On Dec 6, 2023 at 09:07 AM IST

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