Residents of Baliawas warn of blockade if C&D waste plan not scrapped, ET RealEstate

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GURUGRAM: Residents of Baliawas have opposed MCG’s proposal to set up a site for dumping and processing of construction and demolition (C&D) waste in the village. If MCG doesn’t scrap the plan, they will block the Gurgaon-Faridabad highway in protest, locals said.

Residents organised a panchayat on Saturday and said they will meet senior officials from the civic body to present their demand. The mixing of solid waste with construction debris would result in intolerable stench in the area, they said. Residents also strongly asserted their unwillingness to “endure the same plight as the villagers near Bandhwari”.

“It is not just construction waste that they will be dunping, solid waste will also be mixed. We already have the Bandhwari landfill nearby. We haven’t checked the revenue records yet, but the land that has been earmarked for the dump yard is adjacent to the Aravalis,” said Naresh Kumar, a resident of Baliawas.

“The corporation has not clearly demarcated the land where they want to dump construction waste. Moreover, there is no infrastructure at the site. There will be dust and this will increase air pollution in the area,” said Vaishali Rana Chandra, an environmental activist.

MCG had identified five sites for C&D waste dumping in Babupur, Basai, Baliawas, and Daultabad. A group of residents recently staged a protest against the dumping of solid waste in Daultabad. With dumping on hold at the other sites due to public resistance, there is only one authorised site where C&D waste is being dumped at present — the plot in Basai.

“We are looking for alternative sites, but residents will have to understand that we require land for disposal and processing of waste, which is produced by them, be it solid waste or construction waste,” said an MCG official.

In a meeting last month, ULB department commissioner and secretary Vikas Gupta directed MCG officials to lift C&D waste from roadsides and open spaces within the next 15-20 days.

  • Published On Jul 21, 2024 at 05:30 PM IST

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