Retired judge to lead probe into illegal constructions in Mumbai, ET RealEstate

MUMBAI: A committee headed by a retired judge will be appointed to probe illegal constructions that have mushroomed across Mumbai’s civic limits, industry minister Uday Samant informed the state legislative council on Monday.

He assured the House that action would be taken against govt officials found guilty based on the panel’s findings.

Samant was responding to a calling attention motion raised by member Sachin Ahir, who flagged the growing menace of illegal constructions in Mumbai. Ahir sought details of action taken against illegal structures in D, E, G-South, H-West, P-North, P-South, and L wards.

Replying on behalf of the govt, minister of state Madhuri Misal informed the council that 7,951 complaints were received against illegal constructions across these seven wards. Of these, action was taken against 1,211 structures, while 2,015 cases are pending before various courts. Action is yet to be initiated against the remaining 3,956 structures, she added.

Misal admitted that despite repeated complaints, no disciplinary action was taken so far against any designated officer responsible for curbing illegal constructions—a revelation that drew sharp reactions from members.

Members across parties alleged that illegal constructions thrive due to a nexus between civic officials and builders. “Whenever complaints are filed, builders rush to court and secure stay orders. Civic officials even assist them in the process. There is a growing perception that public representatives shield illegal constructions, tarnishing the image of political leaders,” some members pointed out, demanding strict action against the guilty officials.

Responding to the concerns, Samant said the govt was serious about tackling illegal constructions. “A committee led by a retired judge will probe illegal structures and the protection extended to them. Action will follow against erring officials based on the panel’s report,” he assured.

Samant further added that a special review committee will also be set up in the BMC to assess cases pending in court.

  • Published On Mar 19, 2025 at 08:47 AM IST

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