Revolutionary Online Complaint System for Housing Societies Launches in November, ET RealEstate

<p>Representative image </p>
Representative image

PUNE: From Nov, managing committee members of cooperative housing societies will no longer have to visit the deputy registrar’s office and instead can respond online to complaints filed by members on the portal, Sahakar Samvad. They can also view, on the portal, orders passed by the deputy registrar following hearings.

Officials from the state cooperation department have said the portal will be upgraded in Oct to enable this two-way communication from Nov.

“Currently, the final order passed by the deputy registrar can only be viewed by the parties involved. Soon, the order in each case will be made available to the public,” an official recently said.

Officials said the move aims to increase transparency and efficiency in addressing disputes within housing societies. Since its launch in Oct last year, as many as 4,629 complaints have been filed on the portal, and 3,680 complaints have been closed, they said.

Housing society members can file complaints in 23 categories. Some of the complainants said the process is simple, and they have received intimations as well.

An effective complaint redressal system will ensure timely hearing and disposal of cases, state cooperation commissioner Deepak Taware told TOI.

Krishna S, a member of a housing society in Kondwa who had filed a complaint, said addressing grievances takes time as orders are put out late by the deputy registrar. “Currently, society members against whom a complaint has been filed need to visit the deputy registrar’s office. Their remarks are not uploaded on the portal, and neither is the complainant informed whether the complaint has been accepted by the members concerned.”

If the portal uploads both the complainant’s and the respondent’s statements, the matter will be clearer, said Megha Sarkar from Sahakarnagar, who had complained against his society members.

According to the directives provided by the state cooperation department to deputy registrars, all online complaints must be resolved within two months of being filed. A standard operating procedure (SOP) too has been put in place outlining the timeline for addressing various complaints. However, some complainants said the timeline has not been followed and there is also a delay from the deputy registrar in issuing the final order.

Some of the complaints filed on the portal and forwarded to the deputy registrar having no territorial jurisdiction were closed instead of being transferred to the official concerned as prescribed in the SOP, a complainant said.

Advocate Shreeprasad Parab, expert director, Maharashtra State Cooperative Housing Federation Limited, who has helped the state govt in developing the portal, said the updated version providing additional information about circulars, Acts, rules, and bylaws will futher help citizens. “We are constantly upgrading the portal and with the ministry of cooperation keen on having an effective complaint redressal system, we are working on various features,” he said.

Pune: From Nov, managing committee members of cooperative housing societies will no longer have to visit the deputy registrar’s office and instead can respond online to complaints filed by members on the portal, Sahakar Samvad. They can also view, on the portal, orders passed by the deputy registrar following hearings.

Officials from the state cooperation department have said the portal will be upgraded in Oct to enable this two-way communication from Nov.

“Currently, the final order passed by the deputy registrar can only be viewed by the parties involved. Soon, the order in each case will be made available to the public,” an official recently said.

Officials said the move aims to increase transparency and efficiency in addressing society disputes. Since its launch in Oct last year, as many as 4,629 complaints have been filed on the portal, and 3,680 complaints have been closed, they said.

Housing society members can file complaints in 23 categories. Some of the complainants said the process is simple, and they have received intimations as well.

An effective complaint redressal system will ensure timely hearing and disposal of cases, state cooperation commissioner Deepak Taware told TOI.

Krishna S, a member of a housing society in Kondwa who had filed a complaint, said addressing grievances takes time as orders are put out late by the deputy registrar. “Currently, society members against whom a complaint has been filed need to visit the deputy registrar’s office. Their remarks are not uploaded on the portal, and neither is the complainant informed whether the complaint has been accepted by the members concerned.”

If the portal uploads both the complainant’s and the respondent’s statements, the matter will be clearer, said Megha Sarkar from Sahakarnagar, who had complained against his society members.

According to the directives provided by the state cooperation department to deputy registrars, all online complaints must be resolved within two months of being filed. A standard operating procedure (SOP) too has been put in place outlining the timeline for addressing various complaints. However, some complainants said the timeline has not been followed and there is also a delay from the deputy registrar in issuing the final order.

Some of the complaints filed on the portal and forwarded to the deputy registrar having no territorial jurisdiction were closed instead of being transferred to the official concerned as prescribed in the SOP, a complainant said.

Advocate Shreeprasad Parab, expert director, Maharashtra State Cooperative Housing Federation Limited, who has helped the state govt in developing the portal, said the updated version providing additional information about circulars, Acts, rules, and bylaws will futher help citizens. “We are constantly upgrading the portal and with the ministry of cooperation keen on having an effective complaint redressal system, we are working on various features,” he said.

  • Published On Sep 30, 2024 at 06:00 PM IST

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