Survey of Dharavi notified area to kick off in two weeks, ET RealEstate

MUMBAI: A fresh survey of the Dharavi notified area will begin within a fortnight, said Dharavi Redevelopment Project Private Ltd (DRPPL) officials. The actual number of eligible slum dwellers for free housing will be known after the nine-month survey is completed, said officials.

The last survey was carried out by NGO Mashaal in 2009 which mapped 59,000 tenements, most of them owned by fewer than 100 families.

Last week, the government announced the appointment of additional chief secretary (housing) Valsa Nair-Singh as non-executive president of the board of directors for the special purpose vehicle that is DRPPL while Dharavi Redevelopment Authority chief executive officer S V R Srinivas was appointed as CEO.

On Monday, DRPPL announced it would offer 350-square-foot carpet self-contained flats for eligible slum dwellers. While the area is 17% larger than the tenements offered in other slum rehabilitation projects, a similar announcement was made in the past as well.

Varsha Gaikwad, Congress MLA from Dharavi, said the government must disclose to the people how many will be eligible for free housing in the area. “The 2009 survey which mapped 59,000 tenements included commercial, industrial and residential. If 30% of these are commercial and industrial, then the number of residential tenements goes down even further,” she said.

Gaikwad said when they agreed to Dharavi’s redevelopment, it was made clear it was being handed over to the government. “The SPV is 80% private ownership with the lead developer Adani Realty… Already orders have been issued for demolition of illegal constructions,” she said.

Dharavi Redevelopment Authority officials said the survey will be conducted by government agencies.

Besides slums, there are chawls and buildings owned by the BMC estate department. Residents of these structures will get a minimum of 405 sq ft or as provided under 33(9) (A) for cluster redevelopment. Even private buildings will be similarly rehabilitated. DRPPL officials said all structures in Dharavi notified area will be redeveloped.

DRPPL is yet to take physical possession of the 47.5 acres of railway land. The largely vacant land is required to kickstart the project. The first rehabilitation buildings are to be built on this land.

  • Published On Jan 16, 2024 at 09:03 AM IST

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