Survey proposes to bring all properties under tax net, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

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MANGALURU: The ruling BJP in Mangaluru City Corporation (MCC) council presented a surplus budget of Rs 157.4 crore for 2024-25 at a special meeting on Tuesday.

Presenting the budget, Varun Chowta, chairman of the standing committee for taxation, finance and appeals, said the total receipts, including the opening balance, is estimated at Rs 1,113.4 crore, and the expenditure is estimated at Rs 956 crore.

He said Rs 93.7 crore is expected from property tax. The corporation has identified 2,16,059 properties, of which tax from 1,58,975 properties were collected for 2023-24. A property survey also has begun to identify properties which are left out of the tax net, he said, adding Rs 8 crore has been set aside in the budget for the survey.

MCC is expecting Rs 68.3 crore from water bill, Rs 93.7 crore from trade licence, Rs 27 crore for SWM cess, Rs 21.5 crore for road cutting and restoration, Rs 4.6 crore form UGD cess, Rs 6.8 crore from market/stalls’ rent, Rs 4.5 crore from khata change, Rs 43.9 crore for building licence and premium FAR and Rs 3.8 crore for advertisements, he explained. Chowta said through Bharat Bill Payment System, consumers will be allowed to pay water bills through digital payment applications like PhonePay, GooglePay, Paytm and other payment gateways shortly.

Further, an e-web application will be introduced during 2024-25 for the booking of the town hall, Ambedkar Bhavan and grounds belonging to the civic body. A software for the payment of rent for commercial buildings of the city corporation will also be introduced. To prevent artificial flooding and to manage rajakaluves, Rs 5.5 crore has been earmarked for a study and to prepare an action plan, he said.

MCC will identify two locations for the setting up of smart and digital bus stands at a cost of Rs 50 lakh, said Chowta. He said Rs 1.5 crore has been set aside in the budget to construct a pet crematorium for the burial of the orphaned animals and birds. “Govt land has been identified at Kethikal in Tiruvail in Mangaluru taluk to construct the crematorium as suggested in the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act-1960,” he added. Mayor Sudheer Shetty Kannur chaired the council meeting.

  • Published On Feb 29, 2024 at 09:24 AM IST

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