TNHUDB increases building height, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

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CHENNAI: Now, home buyers can enjoy spacious rooms as the state housing and urban development department has amended the Tamil Nadu Combined Development and Building Rules, 2019 and increased the maximum permissible height of stilt + three floors from 12 metres to 14 metres and stilt + two floors from 9metres to 10metres.

“The increase in building height from stilt + two from 9metres to 10metres and 12 to 14metres for stilt + 3 floors is a welcome move by the government. This will benefit customers who will get better height from floor to ceiling after provision for services such as air conditioning, false ceiling among others. These pro-active changes will set a positive trend for the housing industry in the state,” said S Sridharan, vice-president, South, Credai National.

Mohan, president, Chennai Southern Builders Association, said that the move to increase the height of buildings will provide more clearance for car parking. “The floor-to-ceiling height on each floor will increase from 10 feet to 11.5 feet. This will be very helpful,” he explained.

Besides, the department has also amended the TNCDBR and introduced a clause that states that a completion certificate is not necessary for buildings with eight dwelling units. Though builders welcome the move, they are sceptical about its implementation.

Currently, buildings with up to three dwelling units or not exceeding 750 sq m are exempt from completion certificates. While the size of the land remains unaltered, the dwelling units have been revised from three to eight.

The certificate is mandatory to get water supply and electricity connections to the building, and with this exemption, it will be easier to get them.

  • Published On Mar 12, 2024 at 03:30 PM IST

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