Town Planner to Serve Notice to Builders, ET RealEstate

GURUGRAM: After repeated reminders and months of wait, additional deputy commissioner Hitesh Meena has issued written orders to district town planner (enforcement wing) Manish Yadav to serve final notices to builder managements as well as RWAs of 23 group housing societies to expedite the structural audit.

The district administration will also hold a meeting with developers and RWAs to settle the issues which are halting and delaying the process, adding to the concerns of families living in the highrise buildings.

District town planner (enforcement) Manish Yadav said, “The enforcement team will issue notices to developer management and concerned RWAs of these housing societies, who have yet not deposited the amount and drawings so that the audit work can be completed. In some cases, the builder management of societies are ready to deposit the money but the RWA is not coming forward to pay the dues.”

At present, the structural audit of 38 group housing societies is being conducted by the district administration in two phases — 15 societies in the first phase and 23 societies in the second phase.

The structural audit of 15 societies in the first phase stopped after visual inspection as the developers of nine societies did not deposit the money for the second round which is for non-destructive and destructive tests.

The action taken report in the matter has been sent to the deputy commissioner for further action.

Similarly, visual inspection work in 23 societies of the second phase was done by a joint team of officials of DTPE and PWD department.

To reduce the expenditure, as demanded by developers and RWAs, in the subsequent rounds.

ADC had combined both the phases into one and fixed the cost at around Rs 3.5 per square ft.

  • Published On Jan 31, 2024 at 09:16 AM IST

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