Trichy corporation forms climate action plan committee, Real Estate News, ET RealEstate

<p>representative image</p>
representative image

TRICHY: Trichy corporation has constituted a city climate action plan committee comprising elected representatives and technical experts to address climate change risks and challenges through sustainable methods. The committee shall discuss and suggest sustainable solutions for new projects including the 24X7 drinking water supply scheme to be implemented in six wards on a pilot basis.

Trichy city has been selected under the Tamil Nadu Climate Resilient Urban Development (TNCRUDP) programme, a World Bank funded initiative. Since the city has already prepared a Climate Resilient City Action Plan (CRCAP), a document to implement climate resilient development projects, the committee will focus on new projects.

Officials said transport, residential buildings, waste management, and street lighting emit large amounts of greenhouse gas (GHGs) in the city.

As an expert committee is compulsory under TNCRUDP, Trichy corporation has formed a nine-member committee comprising members from NGOs, residents welfare associations (RWAs), corporation councillors, and senior corporation officials.

Promoting metered drinking water supply and reducing non-revenue water loss such as water wasted in distribution are key parameters of the climate action plan. “The committee has been asked to ensure the proper implementation of the 24X7 drinking water scheme. We will review whether the project is bringing any adverse environmental impact,” Priscilla Sugantha, senior specialist, IIHS, and a committee member, told TOI.

The committee will meet once in six months. It will also discuss green buildings, which will promote natural ventilation and lighting, rooftop solar power generation and large-scale afforestation.

  • Published On Mar 7, 2025 at 02:48 PM IST

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