Unity Mall project in Fintech Park gets 100 crore sanctioned by finance ministry, ET RealEstate

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JAIPUR: Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma reviewed the development of Unity Mall in Jaipur, aimed at promoting ‘Make in India‘ products and the ‘One District One Product’ initiative. The Union finance ministry already approved the project under a special assistance scheme and sanctioned Rs 100 crore, 50% of the Rs 200 crore allocation, for its construction.

The CM also took stock of the plan for setting up the Rajasthan Mandapam, to be built over 40,000 sq mtr, on the lines of the Bharat Mandapam convention centre in New Delhi. While Rajasthan Mandapam, the bigger of the two, has some more loose ends to be tied up, groundwork for the Unity Mall is almost complete to start construction of the project.

A senior official of the industry department said they expedited the development of the Unity Mall by getting detailed project reports approved.

Ajitabh Sharma, principal secretary (industries), said, “The bidding process for awarding the contract for construction will be completed by Jan next year. We have laid out a roadmap to start construction of the facility by Feb 2025.” Sharma said recently the department introduced the OPOP policy, and the Unity Mall will play a catalysing role in promoting the unique products of each district, while creating new streams of livelihood opportunities for local producers and artisans.

Planned over 15,000 sq mtr in the RIICO Fintech Park near Jaipur airport, the Unity Mall will have shops for every ODOP, GI (geographical indication), and other state products. The facility will house a common training centre, classrooms, seminar halls, business meeting halls, and an open-air theatre for promotional activities.

Inderjeet Singh, MD of RIICO, which is the nodal agency for developing the facility, said, “After engaging NBCC as project management consultant (PMC) for the project last month, we issued administrative and financial sanction of Rs 202 crore last week. The pre-bid meeting with bidders has also been completed. RIICO fast-tracked the process to start construction as early as Feb 2025.” Designed to have four floors and close to 200 facilities, the project was announced in the Budget 2024-25. Besides the two projects, the chief minister also discussed plans for developing the 100-acre land at Fintech Park in a way that can enhance the state’s high-end services prowess.

While officials were tight-lipped about the third project, the possibility of developing a Global Capability Centre (GCC) cannot be ruled out.

  • Published On Dec 24, 2024 at 12:00 PM IST

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