Violations many, flat extensions cut to 0.75m in Uttar Pradesh, ET RealEstate

GHAZIABAD: At 0.75m, the flat extension limit has been cut by half from the earlier 1.5m in a recent amendment in the building bylaws under the Urban Planning Development Act, 1973. Introduced by the state government, the revision would check the misuse of space for building additional rooms, widely seen across multi-storey buildings and plotted societies.

Another amendment fixed the width of ramps outside society or houses to 3m at the entry and 3m at the exit. The limit, which has been ambiguous till now, allowed people to build ramps that encroach upon roads. The slope gradient of the ramp should be in the 1:8 ratio.

“Earlier, developers or flat owners could extend a flat or project by 1.5m to ensure it received ample sunlight or air and remained shielded from rain. But, over the years, they have rampantly misused the provision to carve out small rooms for storage or puja using the 1.5m additional space,” said an official.

“A balcony comes with three covered sides. So, technically, they have been undertaking illegal construction, which increased the covered area in a deviation from the sanctioned map. The revision will check these violations,” added the official.

The 0.75 flat extension limit will only apply to new buildings, leaving out old flats and buildings.

“Societies and houses can now have a 3m-wide ramp for entry and a separate 3m-wide ramp for exit. Societies with a common entry-exit can build a 6m-wide ramp. Also, the ramps should have a slope gradient in the 1:8 ratio,” said the official.

About the slope gradient, the official said that for a one-foot ramp, the gradient should be 8 feet. “Proper slope gradient allows people to ascend or descend an entry/exit easily. But, the bylaws did not define the slope gradient earlier. Now, they do,” added the official.

  • Published On Dec 22, 2023 at 08:57 AM IST

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