LUCKNOW: The Lucknow Development Authority garnered over Rs 450 crore from its latest e-auction, with properties fetching bids over three times their reserve prices. The auction, held on Jan 7, followed registration from Nov 11, 2024, to Jan 3, and saw 59 out of 325 properties sold.
Highlights included a Rs 1.33 crore plot in Gomtinagar Extension‘s Sector-4, which sold for Rs 4.48 crore and a Rs 100-crore group housing plot near Rashtriya Prerna Sthal in Basant Kunj, promising extensive residential development. Fine-dine plots in the CBD scheme also saw high demand, with one selling for Rs 15.35 crore.
Additional secretary Gyanendra Verma said, “There was strong demand for commercial plots, which fetched 20–25% above reserve prices. The transparent process showcased LDA‘s ability to attract buyers and drive development across Lucknow.”
LDA vice chairman Prathamesh Kumar said, “Promotional efforts, site visits, and a streamlined single-window system for prompt approvals and allocation letters ensured auction success.”