PANAJI: Mapusa police booked eight people on Friday for selling a property at Parra for Rs 85 lakh to a New Delhi-based real estate company, P K S Estate, by allegedly misrepresenting themselves as the legal heirs of the property, said Mapusa PI Nikhil Palekar.
Akash Vinod Mishra, the authorised signatory of P K S Estate, in his complaint, said that on Dec 14, 2023, at the office of the civil registrar cum sub registrar, Bardez, Elizabeth Abelina Mascarenhas, a resident of Calangute; Joyce Felix D’Sliva, a resident of Mumbai; Grenville John Desa alias Grenville Dessa, a resident of the USA; John Romero Dessa alias John Romeo Dessa; a resident of Telangana; Blossom Maud Cashin alias Blossom Cashin, a resident of Dubai; Clifford and Anita Viegas, both residents of Caranzalem, and John Francis Menezes, a resident of Mumbai, with their common intention to sell the property at Parra, hatched a criminal conspiracy.
Mishra said that as per their plan, Menezes induced a representative of P K S Estate to purchase the property.
“All persons fraudulently misrepresented themselves as legal heirs of the property before the lawful authority and then dishonestly carried out the documentary transaction in respect of the property at the office of the civil registrar cum sub registrar of Bardez, executed a sale deed, and accepted the amount towards the transaction,” police said.
They said that when the representative of P K S Estate proceeded for mutation before the concerned authority, the authority denied the representative from carrying out the mutation as the accused persons were not the legal heirs of the property, thereby cheating the real estate company to the tune of Rs 85 lakh.
PSI Ajay Dhuri is investigating the case.