KOLKATA: The New Kolkata Development Authority (NKDA), which has found over 1,000 residential buildings across New Town that are suspected to be using more space than allowed or fully utilising the building’s total floor area for commercial purposes without permission, has decided to crack down on them. Officials said the authorities had been receiving complaints from different quarters over such rampant use of residential space for commercial purposes, and local residents had been complaining about loud noise and music coming from these houses till late at night.
“It is being noticed that in many cases, entire residential premises are being used as restaurants, hotels or as venues for social events. Also, in many cases, the property owners are using more space for commercial use than allowed, without valid permission. Surveys will be conducted to identify and make a list of such residential properties, followed by corrective steps,” said an NKDA official.
Officials said block-wise field inspections will be conducted to determine the exact number of such buildings, and notices will be sent to the property owners.
There are penal provisions in the building rules which could be followed against such errant building owners, officials said.
According to rules, 40% of the total floor area of residential buildings in New Town is allowed for commercial use, as about 60 types of pollution-free activities are allowed in the buildings after getting clearance for conversion for commercial use.
For conversion to use a space for commercial use, the residential property owner has to deposit Rs 80 per sqft. In 2018, NKDA decided to allow residents of individual houses to open food joints on the ground floor by paying a nominal permission fee.